When I picture an earthquake, I picture an earthquake. And, I picture my mother’s back and my father’s tumor and planes crashing into towers. When I picture an earthquake, I picture orphans in Armenia and child soldiers. I picture myself, safe, behind guarded walls. I picture an absence. I hear thunder and silence. An earthquake is trauma and vulnerability: The earth’s, mine, yours.
From Aftershocks: A Memoir
Buy Aftershocks here.
Selected Essays & Stories
Essay: Unborn (Guernica)
Criticism: ‘Look What You’ve Turned Us Into’: The Roots of Women’s Shame (The New York Times Book Review)
Criticism: Two Strangers Meet in a Cafe in Cairo. What Happens Next Is Complicated. (The New York Times Book Review)
Essay: Why I Started Wearing Head Wraps (The New York Times Magazine)
Travel Essay: For a Wardrobe Update, Book a Trip to Ghana (The Wall Street Journal)
Criticism: Top 10 Books About Roots (The Guardian)
Profile: The Secret Life of Deesha Philyaw (Slate)
Essay: Hiring a Chief Diversity Officer Won’t Fix Your Racist Company Culture (Catapult)
Essay: Dance Time, across the Diaspora (Paris Review Daily)
Essay: I Didn't Really Know My Mother. But I Did Know Her Pilaf (Bon Appétit)
Essay: The Only Two Black Girls at Boarding School (Electric Literature)
Essay: Fatherland (Orion Magazine)
Essay: On Navigating the Intricacies of Race and the Violence of Antiblackness in America (Lit Hub)
Essay: Some of Us Never Allow Whiteness Into Our Throats, Some of Us Code-Switch (gal-dem)
Essay: Homemaking (Epiphany)
Correspondence: In Conversation, Nadia Owusu & Caleb Azumah Nelson (Granta)
Essay: Home (Paris Review Daily)
When my mother left, my aunties taught me the true meaning of family (Red Magazine UK)
Essay: In Toni Morrison’s words, I found the wisdom and protection my mother wasn’t able to provide (The Washington Post’s The Lily)
Essay: No One Should Have to Ignore Their Grief, Yet It’s Long Been Expected of People of Color (Catapult)
Short Story: A Good Mask (Litro)
Essay: My First Panic Attack (New York Times)
Essay: Blood Trauma (The Rumpus)
Video Essay: Not Gathering this Christmas Doesn’t have to Mean Being Alone (PBS NewsHour)